Inside this issue: Major milestone reached for a collaborative fire safety and forest health effort, two newly approved land purchases further Midpen's vision for future trail connections and support ranger and maintenance staff presence on the San Mateo County Coast and Midpen trail crews to break ground on a new trail this year!
Improving Fire Safety and Forest Health
Collaborative Effort Treats 1,000 Acres of Land
Since Midpen joined forces with San Jose Water Company, Santa Clara County FireSafe Council and Santa Clara County Parks to form the Los Gatos Creek Watershed Collaboration in 2020, nearly 1,000 acres of land have been treated as part of the collaboration resulting in healthier and more fire-resilient forests. Approximately one-third of the acres treated were located in Midpen’s Bear Creek Redwoods, Long Ridge, Saratoga Gap and Sierra Azul open space preserves. Learn more about the collaboration's formation and work here.
New Trail Building to Begin
Midpen’s trail crews are planning to begin construction of the Spooky Knoll Trail in the El Sereno Preserve during the spring. The trail will be a crucial part of the Highway 17 wildlife and trail crossings project, promising opportunities for outdoor recreation and safe passage across Highway 17 for wildlife at a known roadkill hot-spot. Learn more.
Protecting Local Wildlife
from Rat Poisons
Living near open spaces offers incredible benefits, but it also comes with a responsibility to help protect the delicate balance of local ecosystems. One significant threat to wildlife, specifically those living near human developments, is the use of rat poison, also known as rodenticide, by surrounding homes and businesses. Learn more.
Expanding a Preserve and Staff Presence on the Coastside
Midpen recently approved the purchase of three properties near Half Moon Bay that will expand the existing Miramontes Ridge Open Space Preserve and provide a location for a ranger and public services staff office. Learn more about the properties.
Small Purchase, Big Vision
Midpen has approved the acquisition of a crucial 40-acre property near Mount Umunhum. The purchase will support Midpen's vision for an Umunhum-to-the-Sea regional trail while also protecting vital wildlife habitat. The property is a private inholding within Midpen’s Sierra Azul Open Space Preserve. Learn more about the purchase and trail vision here.
Honoring Herb Grench
Herb Grench was a pioneer in the preservation of Bay Area open space. As Midpen’s first general manager he built a public agency to stand the test of time, establishing our first headquarters and developing a basic policy that continues to act as our constitution to this day. Learn more about Herb's legacy at Midpen here.
You know spring is almost here when the docent-led guided activities become dominated by all things wildflower. From bike rides through the blossoms to a deep dive into botany, March offers 33 different activities in 17 different preserves. See the full list here. Or get more hands-on by joining us for a volunteer workday.
Meetings may be viewed online. There is also a dial-in number to listen by phone. Links are included in the meeting agendas posted online 72 hours before the meeting.
Join our talented and dynamic team as we work collaboratively toward our vision and put your passion for open space to work! Here are our current job openings:
You can also refer to our website for more information about working at Midpen.
Other photo credits: Header: Lauren Giurata; Small Purchase, Big Vision: Midpen staff; Coyote: Vishal Subramanyan; Trail Building to Begin: Amanda Mills; Ranger: Jack Gescheidt; Honoring Herb Grench: Midpen; Events & Activities: Jack Gescheidt